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Click the link below to download Rebecca Smith's UHPCO presentation on deprescribing.


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4 reasons why BetterRX is the un-PBM.


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We're the only PBM that can save nurses up to 10 hours per week

We reinvented the painfully slow 40-year-old PBM approval process for ordering medications. We cut out the back and forth phone calls and rejections so that ordering and refilling medications is easy and prescriptions are approved by the time they reach the pharmacy.


We're the only PBM with our own ePrescribe solution, built specifically for hospice

Sure, other PBMs offer ePrescribe, but not their own hospice-focused mobile ePrescribe solution that can be updated on the fly. And others don't offer partial script fill, one-click comfort kit customizations, or real-time text notifications.



We're the only PBM using artificial intelligence to improve hospice care

With over 244,000 Smart Recommendations, BetterAI can help your team order the right medications faster than ever. Get lower-cost alternatives, adverse drug interactions, whether related/unrelated to the diagnosis, and significantly more at the click of a button.

We’re the only PBM with truly transparent pricing

Does your PBM tell you to call your pharmacy and ask how much they got reimbursed? Probably not. That’s because they use spread pricing, even if they say they don't. We use true pass-through pricing on ALL medications, not just those on your formulary.