Pharmacist Corner
By BetterRX

Patient Guide
Thyroid Medication Patient Guide
An overview of considerations for management of thyroid medications in the hospice setting.
Clinical | Deprescribing Guide
Diabetes Medication Deprescribing Guide
Guide to assessing appropriateness of continuing vs. discontinuing diabetes meds in the hospice setting.
Buprenorphine Clinical Resource Guide
Guide to managing symptom management in patients on buprenorphine.
Patient Guide
Opioid Therapy Patient Guide
Patients can have some concerns about starting or changing pain medications
Patient Guide
Medication Dosing Schedule Patient Guide
Patients may have difficulty understanding the difference between scheduled and prn medications.
Opioid Calculation Clinical Guide
Modifying or changing from one opioid to another can be challenging, this can help.
Deprescribing Guide
Deprescribing Conversation Guide
Overview of considerations for beginning the deprescribing conversation in the hospice setting.
Deprescribing Guide
Dementia Medication Deprescribing Guide
Overview of considerations for deprescribing dementia medications in the hospice setting.
Deprescribing Guide
Respiratory Medication Deprescribing Guide
Overview of considerations for deprescribing inhalers and respiratory meds in the hospice setting.

Deprescribing Guide
Anticoagulant Medication Deprescribing Guide
Overview of considerations for deprescribing anticoagulants in the hospice setting.

Fentanyl Patch Clinical Guide
A clinical guide when considering long-acting opioid therapy with a fentanyl patch.
Patient Guide
Methadone-Patient Guide
Methadone is a medication originally developed for the management of pain.
Patient Guide
Nonoral Medication Administration-Patient Guide
While the most common and often most convenient way to take.
Patient Guide
Depression Patient Guide
Feelings of depression are a normal and expected.
Patient Guide
Anticoagulant Medication Patient Guide
Anticoagulant medications, sometimes referred to as "blood thinners".

Patient Guide
Hospice Medication Management Patient Guide
There are many guidelines for starting and managing medications.
Patient Guide
Opioid Therapy in the Hospice Setting
Pain is a common symptom experiences by patients on hospice care.
Patient Guide
Respiratory Medication Patient Guide
As many as 8 out of 10 patients with obstructive lung disease in the United States experienceinhaler device use-related errors.
Patient Guide
End of Life Expectations
Many patients and families want to be able to prepare as best they can for the end of life.
Patient Guide
Hospice Symptom Management Expectations For Patients
Hospice can be a frightening word because it is associated with the end of life.

Pain Medication Log
Pain medication log
Patient Guide
Nutrition Patient Guide
Weight loss concerns are commonly expressed by patients and their caregiver/family.
Ketamine Dosing Protocols
Ketamine is a fast-acting dissociative general anesthetic that is finding a niche in palliative care for hard to manage pain and pain crises.
Methadone Clinical Guide
Methadone is a synthetically derived Schedule II controlled substance developed in the 1940s, widely renowned for its utilization in the management of opioid use disorder (OUD).
Neuropathic Pain Management Clinical Guide
Neuropathic pain can result from numerous causes leading to damage of the peripheral and/or central nervous system.

Non-Opioid Therapy Clinical Guide
Opioids are the most utilized analgesics for the management of pain in the palliative care and hospice settings.
Pain Assessment Clinical Guide
A quality, comprehensive pain assessment is the cornerstone of effective pain management.
Eprescribing Signature Requirements
As the use of e-prescribing becomes more mainstream and state and federal mandates take effect, this balancing act becomes more precarious.
Splitting and Crushing Tablets Warning
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to inform employees how to identify the hazardous materials they may encounter in the workplace.
Inhaled Corticosteroids in Hospice
Topical gels and creams have become a go-to for many hospice nurses to treat symptoms of patients who have lost the ability to swallow or who cheek/spit out oral medications.
Inhaled Medications Clinical Guide
There are 4 factors that determine proper drug deposition with inhaled medications: 1)Inhalation flow, 2) Proper use/coordination of the inhaler, 3) Aerosol velocity, and 4) Drug particle size.
Formulary Tips in Hospice
The BetterRX formularies are designed with specific objectives in mind...
Inhaler Use in Hospice
There are 4 factors that determine proper drug deposition with inhaled medications: 1) Inhalation flow 2) Proper use/coordination of the inhaler 3) Aerosol velocity and 4) Drug particle size.

Pain Management Quick Guide
Pain management without long-acting opioids equals poor pain management and should be avoided at all costs.
Diabetes Management in Hospice
Managing diabetes in hospice care can be complicated. However, hospice nurses and clinical staff can set up an effective management plan that helps patients avoid the risks of hypoglycemia.
Covid Vaccines and Variants
As COVID vaccines become more available, it is important to know not only the differences between the individual products but also understand how the emerging variants are affected by the vaccines.
BetterRX Antibiotic Policy ID
Prevent unnecessary and overuse of antibiotics, provide education to patients and Provide aid to prescribers regarding antibiotics in the decision-making process.
We Do Not Allow Antipsychotics in This Facility
BetterRX informational series: “We Do Not Allow Antipsychotics in This Facility”.

Unnecessary Medications
Appropriate use of medications means the difference between a good and great quality of life for the patient.
Better Tasting Medication Tricks
Tricks to make medication taste better.
Treating Nausea + Vomiting
Treating Nausea and Vomiting in Hospice.

The Basics of Hospice Coverage
Hospice is required to cover medications that are reasonable and necessary to relieve patient symptoms and optimize quality of life, not to manage the terminal illness and related conditions.
Terminal Secretions
Management of terminal secretions, or the more ominous term “the death rattle,” is an emotional discussion whether it is educating family/loved ones or on a professional level.
Sucralfate Slurry
For patients with difficulty swallowing whole or halved sucralfate tablets, a slurry may be prepared just prior to administration.
Methadone in Hospice
What You Need to Know About Methadone.
Patient Guide
Terminal Secretions Patient Guide
A family guide to the management of terminal secretions.
Anticoagulant & Antiplatelet Clinical Guidance
BetterRX guidance about blood thinner use in hospice...
Hepatic Encephalopathy Clinical Guide
Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) is a neuropsychiatric disorder associated with liver failure and is very common in hospice patients.