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Last Revised: January 20, 2024

1. Nurse Survery Results

*Survey results are based on current findings from a survey conducted through Qualtrics of 600 nurses. The survey questions asked were: "Based on your experience, which do you prefer using for managing and ordering scripts? 1. BetterRX 2. A PBM (e.g., Enclara, Optum, OnePoint, Wise, etc.) 3. Other." "How much has BetterRX improved your job satisfaction as a hospice nurse? 1. A lot 2. A little 3. Not at all." "All things being equal, would you prefer to work for a hospice that uses BetterRX or one that doesn't? 1. Yes 2. No 3. No preference; neutral." We highly value all participant feedback and are committed to transparency and accuracy in our reporting.