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Articles for people who care about patient comfort.

Top 5 Formulary Tips For Hospice Nurses | BetterRX

Top 5 Formulary Tips For Hospice Nurses

When it comes to hospice formularies, they should always be focused and concise. If a medication cannot be related directly to one of the top 10...

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Best Way To Manage Your Hospice Patients Meds | BetterRX

Best Way To Manage Your Hospice Patients Meds

There are many guidelines for starting and managing medications, but significantly fewer resources exist that address when to consider stopping...

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Top 3 Problems With Third Party ePrescribes | BetterRX

Top 3 Problems With Third Party ePrescribes

We have talked with a number of hospice partners and compiled a list of the top 3 problems that come with third-party ePrescribes. Do any of these...

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4 Benefits Of Medication Utilization Reviews | BetterRX

4 Benefits Of Medication Utilization Reviews

At end-of-life, the goal isn’t to treat illnesses. It is to make sure that the patient is comfortable and can have a dignified passing. With that...

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Prescribe and view medications anywhere with BetterRX's technology | BetterRX

Prescribe and view medications anywhere with BetterRX's technology

With BetterRX's technology, nurses are able to prescribe and view medication anywhere at any time! Here's how we do it.

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What's the deal with the 'Silver Tsunami'? | BetterRX

What's the deal with the 'Silver Tsunami'?

Have you been hearing the phrase ‘Silver Tsunami’ recently? Although not a new concept, it is in relation to aging and what that means for the...

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